New Album Announcement - Ghost Dance Coming 2025

Finally a new CBC album
We are offering great exclusive perks via Indiegogo to help fund out new album
We are immensely proud of our new album " Ghost Dance " and need your help to finish it and give it the release it deserves. We did this album exactly the way we always wanted to do it. We made camp in Gaf studios in Co Tipperary with just us and producer Philip Magee.
We laid down the tracks in a way that captured our famous live energy and then over the next few months Philip produced the tracks from his own studio.
Exclusive Perks and Rewards on Offer
We got a loan to cover the initial recording, mixing and mastering of the album which has to be paid off. Next, we need to pay for duplication, promotion, art and music videos. All money received will cover these expenses.
We have provided some amazing perks that really make you part of this album launch. You can get unique once-off merch items, hear the album before everyone else and even have your name immortalised on the albums art.
If we don't reach our goal all funds collected will be used to pay down our loan as much as possible.
Chicken democracy
This album has been a long time coming. As you know making albums can be an expensive and arduous process! These songs have been kicking around for a while and we know many of you who are familiar with them from the live shows and are excited to hear them on record.
- You know we have a track record of making great albums
- We think this is our best one yet and want to give it the biggest push possible
- We are equally proud of all our records, but sometimes we don't have the resources to give them the push they deserve. This time we plan to do it right.
CBC needs you!
Some people just can't contribute but that doesn't mean they can't help:
- Share share share our campaign
- Post about it regularly
View Perks and Campaign
Click Here to Check out Our Indiegogo Page
And that's all there is to it.